Healthcare digital marketing services help physicians successfully reach and engage healthcare customers and enhance the patient experience. Partnering with an expert medical SEO company allows physicians ….
What SEO Trends Have in Store for You in 2019
Digital marketing is evolving, and that’s because the needs and expectations of the audience are evolving. And there are the algorithmic updates Google keeps bringing in. We saw the frequency of Google’s algorithmic updates in 2018…
A Look Back at Google’s Algorithmic Shocks of 2018
Much of digital marketing depends on success in mastering SEO. And that requires a clear understanding of the algorithmic changes or updates constantly churned out by the world’s most popular search engine, Google. The one thing….
New Search Bar for Google – What to Expect?
Success in digital marketing always involves keeping tabs on search innovations by Google. There’s now a new search bar being introduced by Google, which many users probably wouldn’t have noticed though it…..
Google Develops Tools for Marketers to Capitalize on Black Friday
Digital marketing ideas pile up when the shopping season approaches and a reliable Long Island SEO company would be focused on providing customized marketing strategies for its clients. As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach….
Creepy Halloween Update Gives Hair-raising Experience to Webmasters
Digital marketing and SEO companies always need to watch out for unpublicized algorithmic updates. The Halloween season came with a special installment from Google – a creepy update that wasn’t publicized or confirmed, but sure….
Google Announces Activity Cards and Topic Layers
An advanced SEO company always keeps an eye on changes to search engine algorithms. There is always some innovation going on at Google. At their 20th anniversary event, the internet giant announced changes to machine learning….
Staying Put during Google’s August Broad Core Algorithmic Update
Medical SEO is a challenging aspect of healthcare digital marketing not least because of the algorithmic updates Google keeps releasing. Some are minute updates, while others are significant. While some are gradual releases taking…..
Google Considers Multiple Choice Relativism to Avoid Biased Results
Medical content writing must take into account Google’s ideas of dealing with biased search results. Tweaking snippets is Google’s preferred option to tackle the controversy, and is something medical SEO strategies…
How to Prepare for Mobile Page Speed Ranking Algorithm? Google’s Tips
Healthcare website design has a new challenge to deal with in 2018. There is a speed update coming up for mobile searches. Mobile page speed will become a ranking factor in mobile search this year…