How to Get or Increase Your Instagram Followers

by | Published on Aug 8, 2024 | Social Media Optimization

With the interconnectedness of above one billion users, Instagram is undoubtedly the most effective digital marketing tool. Despite the popularity, gaining followers can be strenuous. Your strategy and content must be appealing enough to win over these potential buyers. Digital marketing services provide systematic management of your brand’s account for a steady growth of followers and sales.

Social media content management services cover various account aspects from layouts to reels. An increased follower count boosts the page’s purchasing power, generating more revenue. Organic means of follower growth in fact multiplies the visibility.

Aiming to boost your follower count?


Strategies to Increase Instagram Followers

Targeting followers is made easy by following the strategies mentioned below.

  1. Profile

A well-organized profile creates a good first-impression. It influences the user’s decision to become a follower or customer. Following are the elements of a good profile.

  • An engaging bio that reflects the theme of your company. A precise call to action can also be included.
  • A simple yet creative username representing the brand name.
  • A well-drafted logo as the profile picture.
  • Hashtags relevant to your business. Analyze competitive pages to spot any missed-out ones.
  • Links redirecting to external content.
  • Well-arranged grid maintaining the visual identity of the profile.
  1. Content

Create content relevant to your brand and current trends. User-generated content infuses legitimacy. Good quality images would follow the photographic rules to create depth. Videos should be entertaining and engaging. Follow the meme culture to stay social. Promote inclusivity through diverse content. Addition of subtitles and overlays could eliminate language barriers. Though emojis are better conveyers, do not use them recklessly. Finally, maintain content diversity to break monotony for the viewers.

  1. Hashtags

Hashtags could effortlessly introduce yourself to new followers. Research well before finding the relevant ones. Rather than following a trend, hashtags let you become trendsetters, building a community among your niche. Too much words cause trouble. Keep them short yet catchy.

  1. Stories and Highlights

Post your biggest deals and offers, blogs and latest posts on Story to keep your followers informed. Frequently put behind the scenes content to humanize with users. Highlighting gives an organized and prolonged touch to stories, especially the ones which are popular. Add polls, call to action and other interactive pieces as well.

  1. Content Posting

The most active time is the ideal time for posting. It increases the chances to be seen and thereby get more followers. A consistent posting schedule should be followed based on the target audience. It feeds the user’s anticipation.

  1. Contests And Giveaways

No one shows aversion towards free gifts. Offer giveaways for likes, comments, specific hashtags, tagging etc. in returns. Your brand becomes a talking point this way.

  1. Keywords

Keyword research is not alien to Instagram. Long ago was the time when search was possible only through username and hashtags. The searchability of keywords must be utilized by their proper positioning in captions and bios.

  1. Geotags

Add geotags in stories, posts and hashtags to boost local visibility. This helps in better rooting to the target audience, promoting conversion rates. This feature is specifically helpful for small enterprises.

  1. Promotion On Other Platforms

External sharing of links would drive the exchange of users. Post the links of your account externally on websites, email newsletters, podcasts, Facebook, Threads etc.

  1. Instagram Advertisements

The feature of personalization allows a better reach for the targeted customer feed. These customers are very likely to take part in sales. Follow these tips while formatting Instagram ads.

  • Expand to diverse ad formats such as photos, videos, carousels, story ads etc. instead of sticking to one.
  • Focus on the quality and feature your brand authentically,
  • especially in the case of photo ads.
  • Put relevant yet catchy captions. Avoid the stuffing of unwanted texts.
  • Don’t forget to use appropriate hashtags.
  1. Influencer Marketing

Research the influencers in your niche to earn collaborations. Pay for the sponsorship according to their worth in terms of followers. Influencer reviews seem more credible. Extend the partnership to micro and Nano influencers as well.

  1. Dedicated Creators

Most brands employ representatives who act as their spokespersons, posting regular content. They could be small creators, your staff or even commoners. This strategy is more cost-effective than influencer marketing.

  1. Instagram Live

Live sessions must answer the concerns and any ambiguities related to your product for a seamless flow of followers. This must convey a purpose to follow your brand. Live sessions are a way to boost real-time engagement.

  1. Reels

Though a recently evolved feature, reels are highly popular. Short format of videos with textual content improves the repeat value. A separate tab and designated spot on the home page drives customers.

  1. Connect With Existing Followers

Followers must sense interactivity in the form of Q and As. This gives them voice in the marketing space, enhancing engagement. Brands must constantly respond to DMs to enable a feedback mechanism. Interconnectedness of existing followers attract new ones.

  • Do not buy followers. Fake followers or bots are against Instagram’s community guidelines and would lead to shadow banning of your account.
  • Overuse of hashtags must be restricted as it might be considered as spam.
  • Duplicate content is easily identifiable by viewers. Stop using it.

How to Get or Increase Your Instagram Followers

Amplifying follower count is crucial for any business irrespective of style and scale. Digital marketing services help you with organic means to boost follower count of your Instagram account and hence the revenue of your brand.

More followers equals more sales!


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