Better healthcare SEO, a responsive design, and an easy to use interface may not be enough for a physician or hospital website to meet the expected standards. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance matters…
How to Optimize Your Medical Website for a Future Dominated by Voice Search?
Healthcare SEO needs to keep evolving as new trends appear in search. In 2018, you need to ensure that you are prepared for the changes predicted to impact online search. Your medical website must continue to be relevant and serve the needs of your target…
How the Internet of Things Is Significant for Mobile App Development
Mobile app development plays a crucial role in medical business marketing as they help to constructively engage with potential patients and healthcare consumers, and develop your brand. Technology is racing ahead with IoT…
How to Get Your Healthcare Center Figure in Facebook Local Searches
Mobile SEO services are really important for healthcare practices these days, since a good deal of search is carried out on mobile phones. Social networks such as Facebook are capitalizing on this trend…
Snuffing out Duplicate Content in Your SEO Efforts
As you get busy handling the different elements of the healthcare SEO of your practice, you could be overlooking more basic but crucial aspects such as duplicate content in the pages of your site. By that we mean content…
Snippets in Google Search Results Are Now Longer. Get Ready for a Descriptive Search Result!
Medical content writing requires a good deal of specialized knowledge. That’s where doctors need to collaborate with professional content writers to ensure their web pages give users what they’re searching for…
SEO Elements Your Medical Website Simply Must Have
Healthcare SEO is quite competitive, with a great deal of hospitals, nursing homes, specialized healthcare centers and physician clinics capitalizing on the increasing health awareness of the public…
SEO or PPC Which Is the Better Strategy?
Today, most individuals rely on the internet for the information they need including healthcare information. According to Jupiter Research, a Forrester Research Company, 81 percent of the users find their desired destination through search engines…
Google’s Online-to-Offline Features Can Improve your Medical Devices Business
Getting your medical devices business up and running is one thing, but to make it earn profits and run sustainably requires consistent marketing effort. To conceive successful healthcare SEO and healthcare digital marketing strategies…
Social Media Marketing Tools for Your Healthcare Practice
Digital marketing for healthcare involves a good deal of social networking. There’s a lot of potential in social media marketing for your hospital, physician practice or specialized healthcare center. If you go about it in a professional manner…