Medical SEO is an extremely competitive arena since healthcare centers, physician clinics and hospitals are all carrying out various kinds of medical marketing to attract targeted traffic by advertising personalized care, unique treatment protocols…
Why SEO Is Complex and High Rankings Do Not happen Overnight
Medical SEO is a series of tactics aimed at increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results and improves your chances of being found when prospective patients are searching for treatments and services. It is the process by which…
Tips to Improve Organic Traffic Using Underperforming Content
The healthcare industry is undergoing drastic changes as the years go by with advancements in technology and innovative treatment modalities. A significant development is the way in which healthcare consumers’ approach towards…
Various Open Source Programming Languages for Web Developers
The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the US. Due to the increasing trend of internet marketing, web development is important for this industry. Web development involves web programming that is…
Tips to Generate More Patients and Develop Your Medical Practice
Today everybody has access to the internet and they can get any information about anything they want. Many searches on Google are about medical issues and treatments available. Therefore healthcare websites need to be prominently visible…
Why Tracking Social Media ROI Is Important in the Medical Industry
Social media ROI refers to the revenue earned from all your social media marketing efforts that is measured in terms of dollars. To measure this correctly you should know how much money you are investing in social media…
Tips to Handle Planned Closure of Website without Losing Your Google Ranking
Having an active website is critical for healthcare digital marketing but sometimes you may need to take down your website for some reason or other. Many businesses are hesitant to turn off the server…
Medical Mobile Apps Ensure Better Healthcare Access to Patients
It is quite evident from today’s lifestyle that people greatly rely on mobile and mobile apps to meet various requirements including healthcare. This has made healthcare digital marketing very significant…
Why the Healthcare Industry Should Outsource Mobile App Development
Google has announced that there will be separate search index for mobile web and with recent changes to Google, it is more important than ever for medical businesses to leverage digital marketing for healthcare…
How Google’s Smart Home Concept Could Make Search Conversational
Healthcare SEO, like any other SEO sub-branch, depends a lot on the technological revolutions that are occurring in our day-to-day lives. It may sound odd, but the reason the above statement is true is because many of these digital revolutions are…