Why Search Engine Optimization and Facebook Involvement Important For Medical Industry

by | Published on May 25, 2017 | Medical SEO

Promotion on social media is an essential element for the success of any marketing campaign but it is often overlooked when it comes to healthcare marketing. Social media is an ideal platform for medical marketing with millions of users flocking to these sites. It helps in targeting prospective customers or patients. It is now important for medical professionals and physicians to improve their online marketing efforts and have a strong media presence. Medical SEO services include digital marketing for healthcare that can improve the bottom-line for healthcare businesses.

According to a recent PwC Health Research Institute survey, approximately 90 percent of respondents between 18 and 24 trust medical information found on social media networks. A Demi & Cooper Advertising and DC Interactive Group study suggests that 41% of patients’ decisions to choose a specific doctor, hospital or medical facility are influenced by social media experience.

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms with around 1.6 billion users. It is an excellent medium for businesses to connect with prospective patients.
SEO optimization Facebook
SEO optimization on Facebook is very important. Here is how to go about it.

  • Set up a new and unique Facebook page, Messenger username and Facebook URL. To prevent the URL from being messy on newly created pages, choose a username that is as close as possible to the content on the page. Username once created cannot be transferred or changed so it should be chosen wisely. If your brand name changes, you can request Facebook to change it and provide necessary evidence to support your statement.
  • Fill out the “About” section correctly on your new Facebook page. It should include all extra information that will help your brand or medical practice to appear on the top of search results and also help in making a connection with the audience.
  • Facebook helps in improving exposure to your targeted audience and building engagement with them. The better the exposure, the more is the discussion which will ultimately increase the number of website visits and awareness. Engaging with the potential patients or healthcare customers is easier if you include relevant content.
  • Make sure that you use an appropriate Facebook page title. The name of the page is also the title of your page. Your Facebook page title appears on the right at the top of the page or browser tab. In search results it appears as meta data. This is one of the best methods to make your page visible.

In the era of smartphones and other electronic gadgets it is important for physicians, hospitals, and all healthcare businesses to ensure optimization for Facebook. The practical option is partnering with a good medical website marketing company that will employ relevant strategies and techniques to increase the visibility, traffic and exposure of your healthcare website on Facebook and other social media platforms.

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